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Advent at Pürgg

ATTENTION: There is NO Advent at Pürgg in the year 2020!

Pürgg is a small village which becomes a Advent market every year. On the first two Advent weekends is the market open to visit. One special thing about the market is that the market stalls are in the houses of the village.

The whole Advent market takes place through the village of Pürgg. The unique concept allows the exhibitors to take advantage of the architecture and build up their stalls in the garages, stables and houses. There is a lot of emphasis on traditional craftmanship.

A rich program puts the visitors in christmas spirit. The program includes:

  • baking with children
  • musical entertainment by small groups of the „Trachtenmusikkapelle Pürgg“
  • living crib
  • „Krampusspiel“
  • „Glöcklerlauf“

You can get traditional food and drinks as well.

The Advent market at Pürgg is worth a visit and we recomend our guests to do so.

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